3*M GCH Old Mountain Farm Natasha (“Tasha”)
We are excited to be in partnership with Kamalaya Farm in the importation of the genetics from 10 USA Nigerian Dwarf bucks and 5 USA Nigerian Dwarf does. These superior genetics will be available via our breeding program.
We are excited to announce the acquisition and planned importation for another doe from the world-renowned stud - Old Mountain Farm - owned by Cheryle Moore-Smith, and her husband Wyl Smith. ANNOUNCING: 3*M GCH Old Mountain Farm Natasha (“Tasha”)
. “Tasha” is a small but alpha doe with a large, nicely shaped, productive, widely and well-attached udder with pliable skin, globular texture and large teats that express wonderfully. She is said to have one of the best udders Old Mountain Farm has produced. Natasha has been awarded her permanent championship by the American Dairy Goat Association and displays an impressive mammary system with wonderful production.
Our team would like to thank Cheryle Moore-Smith and Wyl Smith for entrusting us to import Natasha’s genetics into Australia. We would also like to thank Belinda and Tony from Caprotek Caprine Services for handling the importation of such a gorgeous does genetics.